DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

"What's it Worth Secret Agent Man?"

Secret Agent Man-Hours: Billed at $334Thursday, June 22, 2006; Page D04What's a spy worth?The Analysis Corp., a Fairfax intelligence and consulting company that now counts former CIA director George J. Tenet as a member of its board, publishes on its Web site the hourly rates it charges commercial, nongovernmental clients for various services... (more)

Secret Agent Man-Hours: Billed at $334

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Shoe on the Other Foot: Interviewing Your Potential Next Boss

HOW TO CHOOSE A BOSS:  Choosing a Boss is very similar to choosing a significant other.Actually, if you truly think about it, you will probably spendmore time making decisions to please your Boss than any otherperson in your life.

How To Choose a Boss

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Escape Hatch into Self Reliance

Those that plan on lifetime security from a job are in for a rude awakening. The sooner you get clear on alternatives and options for generating income outside of your job, the more secure you will be...(more)

Escape from Cubicle Nation: 59 is the new 65 and other reasons to start your business NOW

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TechSoup Adds Creative Commons to Ingredients. Yum.

Reprint Our Articles Without Asking. Seriously.Creative Commons takes the pain out of getting free contentBy: What if you could take your favorite TechSoup articles and republish them on your organization's Web site -- without having to ask... (more)

Reprint Our Articles Without Asking. Seriously.

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Wow, Is this True? I will have to Ask Yahoo! Answers.

Fox News Run by Scientologist LeaderWhat would you say if you found out that a major source of American news is run by a cult leader?Roger Ailes, CEO of Fox Television Stations, is an OT VIII Scientologist (the highest member level attainable).In addition to maintaining "fair and balanced"

Frog Style Biscuit: Fox News Run by Scientologist Leader

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More lovin’ (and an opinion or two)You might already know, but I love I’ve said before, I continue to say it - these guys consistently set the benchmark for online retail.I noticed two new and interesting features tonight, tagging and wiki.....

Delicate Genius Blog » Blog Archive » More lovin’ (and an opinion or two)

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PledgeBank - On-line Social Experiment..."I will if You Will"

Tell the world “I’ll do it, but only if you’ll help me do it” "We all know what it is like to feel powerless, that our own actions can't really change the things that we want to change. PledgeBank is about beating that feeling..."

PledgeBank - Tell the world "I'll do it, but only if you'll help"

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Incestous Circles? Just a Cosy Little Venn Diagram.

A cosy little Venn diagramJai Arjun Singh writes about how journalists and bloggers form incestuous little circles, and it is apt that I stick to that tradition and link to him.Are we really incestuous? Well, here's how I look at it: I have a limited attention bandwidth. All of us do. There are only so many things I can read in a day, only so many blogs I can keep track of, even with Bloglines. When I started

India Uncut

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Hmmmm.... Maybe I Should Wait

With Wal-Mart recently getting onboard with Verizon Wireless to sell contract (postpaid) wireless plans and service inside its stores -- along with Verizon competitor Cingular Wireless -- it's now going to sell you DSL service too.

Wal-Mart on track to sell Verizon DSL internet service - Blogging Stocks

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Money Can't Buy Me Love? ....Aw Shucks!

Kahneman and his colleagues found that people with higher incomes spent more time in activities that are associated with negative feelings, such as tension and stress. Instead of having more time for leisure, they spent more time at and commuting to work. They were more often in moods they described as hostile, angry, anxious, and tense... (more)

Money can't buy me love - we know it, now experts prove it

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Yeah, I am what you call "Price Sensitive", Harold, Get the Cable Company on the Phone!

DSL strikes a chord with frugal shoppersMiddle-income households and price-sensitive Internet users have been signing up for DSL service.By Marguerite ReardonStaff Writer, CNET On one side are middle-income and price-sensitive households, which tend to favor DSL service offered by phone companies... (more)

DSL strikes a chord with frugal shoppers | CNET

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Home Swaps let Frugal Travelers see the World

Home swaps let frugal travelers see the worldEileen Ambrose -- Personal FinanceJuly 9, 2006Daniel Higgins spent six weeks vacationing in Australia several years ago. He stayed in a four-bedroom house with an ocean view and had a car at his disposal. His cost: $50

Home swaps let frugal travelers see the world - Los Angeles Times

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