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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The New Economy in Cyberville: Yahoo! Answers

The question, "Why is the sky blue?" has been asked 889 times on Yahoo Answers, a Q&A site run by Yahoo. "What is your favorite movie?" has been posed 2,203 times. Do users of the free service retain a childlike sense of wonder about the world around them or possess an abiding interest in the film taste of others? - PortalsSuccess and GreedIn the New EconomyOf Web Point Payouts

Google started the monetization of blogs

With blogs becoming the next Internet advertising platform by many counts, it's interesting to look back a few years and see how it all got started. It seems that Google's AdSense platform, which rides along with its AdWords program (the text ads you see on a Google search page) was the kicker -- and I agree here

Google started the monetization of blogs - Blogging Stocks

Save 50% on Health-Related Expenses

Here's part two of our coverage of Smart Money's piece on how to save 50% on everything. Today, they give ideas on how to save 50% on health-related expenses. Their ideas that I like: * You can negotiate your medical bills. While only 10% of Americans try, according to a recent Harris Interactive poll, more than 60% of those who do get discounts. Hospitals and doctors are willing to negotiate because their retail rates bear little relation to the cost of providing care — typical markups range from 200 to 600%... (more)

Free Money Finance: Save 50% on Health-Related Expenses


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