DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

365 days. one brown dress. a one-woman show against fashion.

Devised, built, and performed by Alex Martinlaunch – July 7, 2005 completion – July 7, 2006 So, here's the deal - I made this dress and I wore it every day for a year. I made one small, personal attempt to confront consumerism by refusing to change my dress for 365 days. In this performance, I challenged myself to reject the economic system that pushes over-consumption, and the bill of goods that has been sold, especially to women, about what makes a person good, attractive and interesting. Clothes are a big part of this image, and the expectation in time, effort, and financial investment is immense... (more)


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