DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Handshake to Simplicity

The Backlash on Consumerism Grows - The CompactCan you imagine not buying anything new for a year? That's part of the "Compact" this group is committing to. Here is an excerpt from the Compact's Yahoo Group, describing their goals and credo.

NEAT LIVING BLOG - Neat Ideas for Living: The Backlash on Consumerism Grows - The Compact

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Why Blog?

Blogger Motivations Shifting Towards Expression A new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project details the primary motivations among those who blog and who they are.Some 77 percent of bloggers are primarily driven by expression... (more)

Micro Persuasion

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Microsoft incorporates Creative Commons tool into Office

Microsoft incorporates Creative Commons tool into Office6/21/2006 10:55:04 AM, by Eric BangemanIn a world where copyright often runs amok like a hyperactive eight-year-old who has just ingested a giant bag of M&Ms, Creative Commons reclines coolly on a beach chair, sipping a lemonade. The licensing tool gives copyright holders a high degree of flexibility over how their works are used and licensed once they are released

Microsoft incorporates Creative Commons tool into Office

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Generative Creation: Brian Eno Style

Generative Creation.  Stewart Brand sent out this report on last night's Long Now Seminar: In a dazzling duet Will Wright and Brian Eno gave an intense clinic on the joys and techniques of "generative" creation...  (more)

O'Reilly Radar > Generative Creation

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Frugal Reading! Worth the Read

Frugal readingI love to read. I have a bit of a fetish with books. If I buy them, they almost always have to be hardbacks. I can’t stand softcovers. And once I’ve bought a book, I have a really, really hard time ever letting it go... (more)

A Penny Saved… : Frugal reading

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Cure for insominia: The Fruit Alphabet

Anne has a tip on her insomnia problem. It is not counting sheep or reading books - she discovered...(more)

Cure for Insomnia: The Fruit Alphabet -

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