DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Where Oh Where is Chris Brogan?

I have received a few concerned emails from friends whom I admire, and who worry that I’m nearing an explosive burnout, given the scale and strangeness of what I’m doing. This isn’t directed at any one person’s emails, but I wanted to throw this out onto the site, because it better defines me... (more)

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Through deep experience, deep questioning and deep commitment emerges
deep ecology.

By Stephan Harding

IN THE 1960s, HAVING read Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, Arne Naess was moved to apply his formidable philosophical skills to understanding the ecological crisis and its resolution. Since becoming the youngest-ever professor of philosophy at the University of Oslo whilst still in his twenties, Arne Naess has revealed his brilliance by studying and writing extensively in many fields, including semantics, philosophy of science, and the works of Spinoza and Gandhi. But he is much more than an academic. His approach to ecology bears the stamp of his life's experience as a philosopher in the truest sense - as a lover of wisdom, and as a lover of mountains. A key influence in his long life has been his deep relationship to Hallingskarvet mountain in central Norway, where, in 1937, he built a simple cabin at the place called Tvergastein (crossed stones). (more)

Metacognition: Thinking About Your Own Thinking by Crystal King

Metacognition, or thinking about your own thinking, is one of the most important skills that a person can cultivate. When you can learn from your own behaviors and actions, you can become more strategic, self-reliant, flexible, and productive... (more)

Metacognition: Thinking About Your Own Thinking on Squidoo


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