DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Making Money with Google Adsense: By Christopher Robinson

Google ad sense are ads that are shown on your site. They can be small text ads or images. Google gets paid by their advertisers and in turn pays you each time someone clicks on the ad. Google adsense is a great way to make money from your website traffic. It is possible to make a sizable income from these little ads but many do not realize the potential of these little gems...  (more)

Promotion World: Making Money with Google Adsense

Smart Crowds / Wise Crowds

They all show how smart crowds can be.Crowds? The great unwashed? Aren't crowds responsible for the stock market bubble, boorish behavior at baseball games and the rise of Britney Spears?Well, yes. And no, says author James Surowiecki.In his new book, "The Wisdom of Crowds" (Doubleday), Surowiecki -- who writes "The Financial Page" for The New Yorker -- shows how the combined intelligence and input of a group of people can create optimum conclusions, whether in a financial marketplace or a county fair. - The crowd is smarter than you think - Jul 14, 2004

Synergize Work Flows

How to work together in this rich technical and social environment... (more)

Odd Wiki SocialSynergy: SynergizeWorkflows

Wiki Good Blogging

A Bliki (also known as a WikiLog, Wog, WikiWeblog, Wikiblog, or Bloki), is a blog with wiki support. This means that after (or before) an article is posted to the blog, it can be edited, either by anyone or by some group of authorized users.This combination of the two Internet concepts was conceived with the purpose of making the popular blogging experience more interactive. Another possible effect (especially for news blogs) is the improvement of the quality and accuracy of the articles posted by giving more people the ability to edit them... (more)

Bliki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Blogged with Flock

Tufts Tests For Creativity--Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Others Should too.

Tufts is asking applicants to write essays or send videos that reflect the creativity of the individual, not simply measure content knowledge. The insidehighered article goes on to say... (more)

Tufts Tests For Creativity--Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Others Should too.

Retirement Glass: Half Full or Half Empty?

Michael MandelIf

I had a dollar for every scare story about Americans not saving enough for retirement, I could retire tomorrow.That's why I enjoyed reading the new study from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, directed by Alicia Munnell. The study "measures the share of working-age households who are at risk of being unable to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living in retirement... (more)

Retirement Glass: Half Full or Half Empty?

Ethical Travel

Commentary: Traveling light: tips for leaving the gringo guilt at home when you're on holiday:  By Frank Bures

A few years ago, a taxi driver and travel writer named Brad Newsham decided he was fed up with unethical travel, with the voyeuristic haves traipsing through the world of have-nots, leaving nothing behind but a few measly dollars... (more)

Open Road, Clear Conscience

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Let the Robot do the Lawn

By: Oscar H. Will III

No longer just a futuristic dream, or an engineering class’s group project, robotic lawn mowers have evolved into sophisticated vegetarian pets that are dependable, largely self sufficient, and don’t leave any messes to clean up later... (more)

Let the Robot do the Lawn - August 11, 2006

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Making a Bentwood Trellis: By: Jim Long

Nothing combines nature’s beauty and functionality more gracefully than a rustic bentwood trellis in your garden. The natural beauty of bent wood, the texture of the bark and twigs, blend perfectly with growing things.A bentwood project is a great way to recycle materials that would likely otherwise be wasted... (more)

Making a Bentwood Trellis - August 11, 2006

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