DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Flicker You Must! Free and Fun.

Have you joined Flickr? Flickr, it’s being dubbed as the online photosharing revolution. If you haven’t used it - you don’t know what you’re missing...

Graphics Technology » Blog Archive » Have you joined Flickr?

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Bye the Book!

Books by the page"Could I have Lord Of The Rings without all the boring hobbit bits, please?"Google and Amazon will be selling downloads of pages and chapters from books (NY Times, reg'n req'd). The idea, apparently, is to enable you to buy just one recipe from a cookbook, or a particular chapter of a textbook.I can't imagine... (more)

yellowhandman: Books by the page

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On your start, get ready and GO: 20 Minute Article

8 Tips On How To Write An Article In 20 MinutesBy: Jim Estill
It takes me only 20 minutes to write a 400-500 word article. This article (that I wrote in 20 minutes) explains some of the tricks I use to accomplish

8 Tips On How To Write An Article In 20 Minutes

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iPod Whaling Station

Listening to your iPod at homePosted by Kevin Baggs on June 14th, 2006. Once you load up you iPod there really isn’t any reason to have your CD player. There really isn’t any reason to move your CD’s from stereo to stereo in your house. You can have your cable1.jpgwhole collection play... (more)


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Yahoo! and Microsoft released software on Wednesday that built a bridge between their previously exclusive online instant messaging (IM) systems.The move fulfilled a promise the United States internet titans made late last year and marked the first time rival global...(more)

Microsoft, Yahoo! link online instant messaging systems : Mail & Guardian Online

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Blog with Advice from Technorati

Here is an interview with David Sifry, the founder and CEO of Technorati. In this interview he explains what Technorati does as well as the practices of good blogging. Here are

Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: Ten Questions with David Sifry

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Blue Sky Vision - Open Source Your Mind

Any idea that you come up with that can bring a lot of power to someone and is realistic enough to attempt will inevitably get built by someone.It doesn’t matter that you thought of it first. So it’s better to put your ideas out there... (more)

Evolving Trends » Open Source Your Mind

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Backyard News

Solar lighting brightens backyardsPosted by the Asbury Park Press on 06/28/06BY ALICIA MCGEEUSA TODAYSun-powered lighting and funky motion-makers are easy updates for a boring back yard. Danny Seo, ecostylist for Lime, the multiplatform green-livingAPP.COM - Solar lighting brightens backyards | Asbury Park Press Online technorati tags:, ,

Big and Lost

One last excerpt from Edward Hall’s “Beyond Culture.” Here he riffs on how things keep getting bigger despite evidence humans actually thrive in the opposite sort of environment... (more)

A design and usability blog: Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

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"Gentlemen, Place Your Bets"

The purpose of the Long Bets Foundation is to improve long-term thinking. Long Bets is a public arena for enjoyably competetive predictions of interest...
Long Bets [ On the Record: Predictions ]

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Motivation Hack with Business Cards

Now what an idea....

There’s nothing like viewing your future in physical form. I’ve got cards in my pocket today that say what I will be doing next. They show my new

Motivation Hack with Business Cards -

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You Owe to Yourself to Become Autoresponder Savvy

Are you like me, a virtual glutton for on-line information. Have you been the proud recipient of many tasty tidbits of information via the autoresponder that some websites like I have. Join me into this foray into learning how to set one up for yourself and autoresponding back to the world. It is so automated, so efficient. People opt in because they want what ever you have. I believe it a matter of a year and we will all have autoresponder capabilities that can send a series of delectable information bytes to our friends and associates on our common email services. Why wait for it to be everywhere. Join me on the edge. Type autoresponder into Google and start of media empire. I will met you on the net!!


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