DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Energy Saving Tips

Here are some tips to save you some money by adjusting your household habits and making some changes around your house:Light bulbslight bulbReplacing your regular incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) will require 70 percent less energy, and while they cost more than regular bulbs, they will last much longer.light bulbInstall dimmers on light bulbs to save energy and extend their life

The Corner Office Blog - An entrepreneurs thoughts on business, personal finance and investing. » Blog Archive » Energy Saving Tips

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Female-named chat users get 25X more malicious comments

The University of Maryland has released a new study finding that chat room users with female names receive twenty five times more malicious comments than users registered with typically male or gender ambiguous names... (more)

The Social Software Weblog

Staples sells a million Easy Buttons

WAY back in September of 2005 I had covered the launch of Staples' Easy Button campaign, actually before they were ready to really launch anything formally (though putting it on your darn website tends to get people to notice it), and have since purchased 10 of them for my own use. No, my life...  (more)

Staples sells a million Easy Buttons - AdJab

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Off-Roading Wheelchairs | Sarah Rich

According to the Wheelchair Foundation, between 100 and 150 million people around the world need wheelchairs. The number of disabled people who actually have one represents a tiny fraction of that need. Numerous factors contribute to this, not least of them being the cost of acquiring a chair and the ability to deploy them in many areas where need is particularly great... (more)

WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: Off-Roading Wheelchairs

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Pay-Per-Mile Car Insurance: It's Coming. | Jeremy Faludi

How can you reward yourself for driving less? Or how can you make the costs people pay more closely match their impact on the world?Car costs are largely divorced from car usage. Sure, you pay for gas as you drive, but for most cars, the average driver pays about as much for insurance as they do for gas; then there's the car's purchase price and maintenance. For the well-off, purchase price and maintenance can be ameliorated by leasing instead of buying. For low-income people, purchase price is as low as they can find, so insurance is often the biggest cost of having a car. Either way, insurance means being stuck with a fixed cost, no matter how much or how little you drive...  (more)

WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: Pay-Per-Mile Car Insurance: It's Coming.

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