DIY Lifehack Zine that is on the zany edge having fun and being real.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Don’t believe BusinessWeek’s bubble-math

This week’s BusinessWeek cover story features a beaming Kevin Rose from Digg. Across his chest it says “How this kid made $60 million in 18 months.” Wow, now that sounds like a great success story.Too bad it’s a blatent lie... more

A design and usability blog: Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

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My Frugal Story

I've wanted to retire since I was 12 years old.Well, not really. I don't think I fully comprehended the term "retire" at such a young age, but I definitely knew that young that I wanted no part of what I saw around me. What did I see? A lot of people running in a rat race at a frentic pace, acquiring material possessions and climbing corporate and financial ladders -- the mere idea of which filled me with dread... (more) Forum :: View article - My Frugal Story


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